Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New try at video slideshows

Okay, here is my try at slideshows using a new program that I actually purchased awhile ago, but I FINALLY (with a little help from fellow NoBSer and Utah Photographer Tina Miera) was able to post it here. This is the rest of the images from the Swanson session with little Ian that you see below. Let me know what you think...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Why I love my job...

Okay, so I had this family come to the studio the other day from Rochester, MI and it was one of my most favorite sessions EVER! (is that even proper grammar? oh well, who cares?) One reason is because their son is only a couple of days younger than my little Wyatt and just as cute, but also, because his parents were so cool. Ultimately though, it's because of the BEAUTIFUL images I will be able to present to them during their ordering session. I want to show you all of them, but for now, this is my favorite so far. I know you will enjoy it as much as I do. There's just something about the sweet innocence of a newborn against the contrast of the awesome tattoos on dad. (just wait til you see them in color!).